Model: FCB Welded Long Neck
Dexterity: RH
Weight: 355 grams
Material: DASS
Finish: Tour Blast
Face Milling: Micro-honeycomb
Lie: 71°
Loft: 3°
Reserved for the Hive. RJB was experimenting with a lot of putters for his long-time friend, Freddy 'Boom Boom' Couples and this DASS FCB features a Welded Plumbers Long Neck providing a more traditional visual and face-balanced toe hang requested by Fred himself! RJB completed this FCB with a special patented Micro-honeycomb Face Milling that goes across the rear flange, hand-stamped it along the outer neck, and gave it a clean sole and rare Stinger engravings in the pocket to ensure the iconic head shape catches a few extra eyes on the putting greens. Good Luck!
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