Bettinardi x MONOPOLY GAME OF CHANCE - Blade Putter Headcovers
Year: 2022
Scarcity: limited
Pass Go and pick up the Bettinardi x MONOPOLY collection now! We wanted to pay homage to the game itself by including a “Game of Chance” purchasing opportunity! Customers can test their luck to receive 1 of 7 strikingly designed blade headcovers. The headcover assortment will include 6 production MONOPOLY Money designs and 1 Tour Dept. design. Some will be considered rarer than others due to the quantities produced. The money blade headcovers feature a matching leather base with a MONOPOLY Money graphic UV printed in jet black. All headcovers will be selected and shipped at random. Customers will not know which headcover they received until they open their package at home. Limited quantities are available. Limit 1 per person. Good luck!
MONOPOLY $1 Blade Headcover 21%
MONOPOLY $5 Blade Headcover 19%
MONOPOLY $10 Blade Headcover 16%
MONOPOLY $20 Blade Headcover 14%
MONOPOLY $50 Blade Headcover 14%
MONOPOLY $100 Blade Headcover 12%
MONOPOLY $500 Tour Blade Headcover 4%