Exclusive to the Hive only, one of RJB’s favorite NEW mallet head shapes that he’s ever milled, the Soft Carbon Hexperimental Proto is available in the Hive this week courtesy of Sam Bettinardi. The same Proto model spotted at the Safeway Open a few weeks back, RJB crafted this 2019 model with a stunning raw oil can bronze finish, gave it a gamer weight of 362 grams, and a Tour preferred sightline on the topline based on recent player feedback from Haotong Li. Completed with a decorative array of 10 stinger bees on the sole- Hexperimental Prototype - Milled in the USA and hand-painted in a cool purple and white color scheme, this Carbon Proto comes perfectly paired with a black Bettinardi Tour Lamkin Deep Etched Cord Grip, black chrome shaft, and NEW Hive only Made in USA headcover. This putter will rust over time, be sure to sure use a light cloth and oil to keep its finish over time.
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